Any good prompt to share and learn how to write a good prompt?

You can also write your own prompt words to meet your own needs. If you don't know how to write a prompt, don't worry, the following tips can help you write faster and better.

how to write a good prompts

A good cue word consists of the following main components:

Subject + environment + Details

Such as these two:

  • One boy child, American child face, short blonde hair, blue eyes, cute boy, the boy standing on a beach, (beach scenery), clear blue sea, golden sand, palms, vibrant colors
  • One young girl, American face, blonde hair, blue eyes, (clothes model), youthful and energetic girl, cute girl, standing in a (European-style living room), coffee table, bouquet of flowers, soft carpet


  • The prompt is not as long as it should be, you need to clearly describe the image you want.
  • Keywords placed at the beginning of a prompt are more likely to be painted by AI.
  • List what you don't want, filling in words like "ugly", "wrinkle", and "bad quality" can make your results better.